HarleyLikesMusic with visuals by Idiotbox Visuals
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Date: October 19th, 2019
Location: Onder Stroom, Antwerp, Belgium
Open Mic: Ganondorofu, Wisefire, Hedonism Bit, Infu. S.E.M.
Music: 4ntler, Y O K O C H O 横丁, Please Lose Battle, gwEm, Bit Shifter, USK, HIA vs Jotie
Visuals: Infu, hoppie buut scotch, Chipwarrior
Ganondorofu with visuals by Infu.
Infu with visuals by Hoppie Buut Scotch.
4ntler with visuals by Hoppie Buut Scotch.
Hedomism Bit with visuals by Infu.
S.E.M with visuals by Infu.
y o k o c h o 横丁 with visuals by Infu.
gWem with visuals by Hoppie Buut Scotch.
Jotie vs. HIA with visuals by Hoppie Buut Scotch.