Chiptography: Tell me about your first chiptune experience and what drew you into the scene? How old were you?
scythe: Although I knew there is a genre of chiptune from before, SST2016 was undoubtedly the trigger for entering the scene in earnest. I was 21 years old and I lived in the shrine in Tokyo in order to become a Shinto priest. At that time, I happened to get a day off on Sunday for the first time in four years of Tokyo (in the shrine where I was, students were basically not allowed to take a holiday on Saturdays and Sundays). And the day was DAY2 of SST2016 by chance. As Uraboroshi, yukkerom, and Tobokegao invited me, I decided to go to there. I saw KUNIO (and SUPERSTARS), Mega Ran, NNNNNNNNNN, TORIENA, etc. at there and experienced chiptune on a big stage. They all looked shining and I felt chiptune was so cool. It changed my world. Then I made chiptune within that day, and played it at OPEN MIC at Post-party. York, CheapBeats boss, listened to the track and called out to me. Then my chiptune life started.
Chiptography: How did you learn to make chiptune in just one day? What device did you make your first tune on and what software did you use? What was the name of the first track you played at that open mic in 2016?
わずか1日でチップチューンの作り方をどのように学びましたか? 最初にチューニングしたのはどのデバイスで、どのソフトウェアを使用しましたか? 2016年にオープンマイクでプレイした最初のトラックの名前は何でしたか?
scythe: Since I was interested in making chiptunes, I already knew some of the unique techniques. I played “Shiden-Issen (紫電一閃)” made with DMG-CPU1.5.sf2. At that time, I didn't think about playing on the real machine.
Chiptography: What instrument did you play when you first started making Chiptune and do you still have it?
scythe: When I first made chiptune, I used Magical 8bit Plug, DMG-CPU1.5.sf2, and Famitracker. In terms of instruments, DMG is my first. Now I use 2xGBC mainly. Of course, I have past instruments, but I have transplanted parts to other GAME BOY, so it is not in perfect condition.
本格的に活動する前はMagical 8bit PlugやDMG-CPU1.5.sf2、Famitracker等を使っていました。最初の楽器という意味ではDMGが最初です。今はGBC2台をメインで使ってます けどね。もちろん今でも過去に使っていた機材は保管してます。でも他のゲームボーイにパーツを移植したりしているので完全な状態ではないですね。
Chiptography: The first time I photographed you was at Square Sounds Tokyo 2018. It’s very impressive that you were first introduced to chipmusic only 2 years prior. How did it feel to perform on the same stage that inspired you?
scythe: Yes. It was my first time to perform on such a big stage, and I was very happy because it was my wish.
Chiptography: What’s the story behind your artist name?
scythe: scythe is a handle that I have used for more than 10 years. I took it from my last name (Kamada=鎌田, 鎌=scythe). I have been using it for a long time, so it has become established as another name for myself.
scytheはもう10年以上使っているハンドルネームです。苗字から取ったんですけど (鎌田、鎌=scythe)、ずいぶん長く使っているのでもう一つの名前として自分の中でも 定着してますね。
Chiptography: Oh! So a scythe is a direct translation of your real last name, Kamada. That’s pretty cool because although Japanese people would have known, I don’t know that English speaking people would make that connection. Did you use this as a nick-name in the last 10 years or did you use it to create other music before chiptune?
ああ、scytheは鎌田からの直訳だったんですね!日本人なら分かるかもしれないけど英語圏 の人にはその関係性は分からないですね。いいと思います。10年以上あなたのニックネームとして、もしくはチップチューン以前の名義として使っていましたか?
scythe: Haha, Good point. I've been using this name since I started the internet. So the name before make chiptune is scythe too.
Chiptography: How do your family, friends, and co-workers perceive what you do?
scythe: Yes. I think my parents always support me because they let me do what I want to do. Most of my friends are also active in music (not chiptune), so they know about my activities. co-workers are the same. The president and section manager have my albums.
うん、みんな知ってますね。家族も基本的にやりたい事はやらせてくれる方なので応援 してくれてると思います。基本的に付き合いのある友人は大体チップチューンではないけど何かしら音楽をやっている人が多いので認知はされてます。同僚に関してもみんな僕の事は知ってますね。社長、課長に至っては僕のCD買ってるし笑。
Chiptography: Tell me about your family and where you grew up.
scythe: I was born in Sapporo. I grew up there until entering university. My father is also a Shinto priest and my mother was a kindergarten teacher. And I have an older sister. When I was a junior high school student, I listened to my sister's CD until I started looking for music to listen to. There are many Shinto priests in my family, and almost all of the Shinto priests that have Kamada surnames in Hokkaido are relatives. So many lol. So Shinto shrines have always been involved in my life. In a way, it was a natural flow for me to become a priest.
札幌で生まれて、 大学に入るまではそこで育ちました。 私の父も神主であり、母は幼稚園の先生をしていました。あとは3つ上の姉がいます。 僕が中学生だったとき、聞く音楽を自分で探し始めるまでは姉のCDを聴いてました。 私の一族には多くの神主がいて、北海道で鎌田の姓を持っている神主のほとんどは親戚です。本当に多いです笑。 なので、神社はいつも私の人生に関わっています。ある意味、僕が神主になるのは自然な流れでした。
Chiptography: Both your father and grandfather were priests. How far back is the genealogy?
scythe: I, father, grandfather, grandfather's father.
Chiptography: Four generations! Wow!
四世代! すごい!
scythe: Since Hokkaido has been pioneering for 150 years, it's about 4 generations. This year is just 150.
Chiptography: Just this year? So big celebrations! Did your father want you to work at his shrine in Sapporo?
scythe: Yes. Eventually, I'm going to go there. In two or three or 4 years. It's not yet decided. My grandfather also has a shrine so I go to the festival every year. I went to play as a kid, but now I'm helping as a priest.
はい。 最終的に僕もそこに行くと思います。2年か3年、もしくは4年で。まだ決まってないけど。祖父も神社を持っているのでそこのお祭りには毎年行ってます。子供の頃は遊びに行ってたけど今は神主として手伝いにいっていますね。
Chiptography: Outside of chiptune, what are your interests and passions?
scythe: Well... I love eating delicious food. I often cook dishes that I want to eat myself. There seems to be a lot of fun to “make something”, whether it ’s things, music, or cooking.
Chiptography: Food is a passion of mine as well! I also cook a lot at home and prefer it to going to a restaurant. I agree that it feels satisfying to make a meal yourself. There is something to putting the ingredients together and seeing the dish form. I love sitting down to eat when I plate something beautifully.
scythe: Nice! It’s okay, I’m not really good at arranging food, but I know it.
Chiptography: What is your favorite dish to cook and why?
scythe: I like Curry, Spaghetti Napolitan, Omu-hayashi (Hashed Beef and Omelette), Dandan noodles, and so on. Hm, When I answer that, It’s difficult question… I like foods that kids would like, haha.
scythe: Other than that, I like collecting minerals but I'm not so enthusiastic right now because there is no mineral shop near my town. When I was in Tokyo, many mineral shows were held, so I often went there. I also went to the mineral shops in Shinjuku and Harajuku. I feel the romance that nature creates that beautiful stones over a long period of time. I especially like amber, opals and citrines that look like sunsets.
Chiptography: We call mineral collecting “rock” collecting although I like the way it translates to “minerals” here because the word “rock” doesn’t sound beautiful. Do you keep your minerals displayed in your home so you can enjoy them? Do you have a favorite mineral in your personal collection?
鉱物を集めるのは石(=ロック)収集と呼びますが、石という言葉は美しく聞こえないため、ここでは鉱物(ミネラル)と言い換えるのがいいでしょう。鉱物観察を楽しむ為に家にしまっておくのですか? またあなたのコレクションの中でお気に入りの鉱物は何ですか?
scythe: Yeah, basically it is housed. My favorite is blue amber. A special amber that reflects blue when exposed to ultraviolet light. It looks like a sunset sky depending on the angle.
Chiptography: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
scythe: From the time when I was a child, there were so many shrines nearby that I could see my future. When I was in elementary school, there was a time when I wanted to be a carpenter (a shrine specialist carpenter) rather than a shrine lord. I've always loved crafting since a long time ago.
Chiptography: I never had the opportunity to speak to a Shinto Priest before! What does a shrine lord do and what other types of jobs are possible at a shrine?
今まで神主と話す機会はありませんでした! 神主は神社で何をしていますか?
scythe: I bet. We clean up shrine, make shinsen (food for god), pray for peace and security of the nation, perform a purification ceremony, and so on. And recently I often write goshuin (red stamps).
Chiptography: How did you become a Shinto priest? What do you do every day?
scythe: In order to become a priest, there are two ways to complete or receive training in two universities in Japan, but after graduating from a university in Tokyo for four years, I obtained a qualification and then worked at a shrine in Tomakomai. As the time of New Year and annual festivals approaches, we are busy with preparations, but during peacetime, we pray at shrines, write red stamps, and go to visits when building houses.
Chiptography: I imagine it’s fulfilling to have a career that you’ve seen a path for since childhood. Were there any challenges with getting into school? How long were you in school?
scythe: I don't think there was any difficulty in school life. Rather, training at the shrine was more difficult… I worked at a shrine at noon and went to university at night, so I went university about 3 hours a day for 4-6 days a week. In fact, I was not a very serious student, especially after being inspired by chiptune lol. I often went out of class and went to Akihabara to buy parts for modding, and most events are basically from the evening so I skipped classes.
学生生活自体はそこまで大変じゃなかったと思います。むしろ神社での実習の方が大変でしたね…日中神社で働いて夜に大学行って、大体1日3~4時間で週に4~6日とかでしたね。 今思うとそんなに真面目な学生ではなかったです、特にチップチューンを始めてからは笑。よく授業を抜け出して秋葉原に改造用の部品を買いに行ったし、大体のイベントは夕方からだから学校もそれなりにサボってました。
Chiptography: Do you live close to the shrine? Do you live with family, friends or by yourself? What is your home like?
scythe: Ya, within 10 minutes walking distance from work. I’m living alone. But I often meet yukkerom and ryota because they live in the neighborhood. We go to the gym together every week. I live in a one room of the apartment. It doesn’t have any special features...Oh, I hang illustrations that are drawn by Illustrators I like on the wall.
うん、神社から歩いて10分かからない所で一人暮らししています。でもyukkeromとりょーたが近所に住んでるのでよく会いますね、毎週3人でジムに行くので。アパートの一室に住んでます。特に特徴があるわけではないけど…あ、部屋に好きな イラストレーターの絵が貼ってあったりします。
Chiptography: What are the names of the illustrators that made the illustrations on your wall?
scythe: Eri Kitamura (@hoshieri7), Narume (@narumeNKR), Sacha (@sch_39), HAKURO (@Ha96), masuno (@masnodon), Pecota Pechka (@PPechka)…
北村英理(@hoshieri7)、なるめ(@narumeNKR)、左茶(@sch_39)、HAKURO(@Ha96)、鱒野(@masnodon), ぺこたぺちか(@PPechka)…
Chiptography: There was one in particular that made album artwork for you, yes?
scythe: Exactly! Eri Kitamura made artwork of “Nighty Night Stories”, and Narume made “Mirage Diary” art too.
そうです!えりさんにはNighty Night Storiesの、なるめさんにはMirage Diaryのアートをそれぞれ描いてもらいました。
Chiptography: Your Gameboys also have illustrations on them. Where these also created by the same illustrators?
ゲームボーイにもイラストが描いてありますが、 これらも同じイラストレーターによるものですか?
scythe: That’s right. They were drawn by Eri kitamura and HAKURO.
Chiptography: You showed me an alarm clock you made out of a Gameboy. This is very cool. What inspired you to make this? Do you make any other items?
ゲームボーイで作った目覚まし時計を見せてくれました。 これはとてもクールです。 これを作るきっかけは何ですか? 他に何か作っていますか?
scythe: Thank you. While I was modding Game Boys, I had a surplus shell so I thought it could be used for something. At the same time, an official Game Boy-type alarm clock appeared, but I liked analog clocks and thought about making it.
Chiptography: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
scythe: In terms of work, I think I'm back at the Shinto shrine in Sapporo. I'd like to get married before that, but lol. Because I haven’t had a girlfriend for a long time... When it comes to chiptune, I would like to continue in some way. Now we are preparing to make a chiptune using a Sufami chip. Recently, I have been making LSDJ commentary videos, holding a chiptune competition, and creating a site that archives the waveform memory of Game Boy titles. I don't have the skills to host a real event, so I would like to help and increase the number of people who start a new chiptune.
仕事面では札幌の実家の神社に戻っているとは思います。それまでに結婚とかしてればいいですけどね笑。長く彼女もいないので… チップチューンに関していえば、是非何かしらの形で続けていきたいと思っています。今はスーファミのチップを使ったチップチューンを作るために準備しているところです。最近はLSDj解説動画の作成、チップチューンコンペの開催、ゲームボーイタイトルの波形メモリをアーカイブするサイトの作成などをしてきました。リアルでのイベントを主催する技量はないのでそういう面で新たにチップチューンを始める人を増やしたいし助けになりたいと考えています。
Chiptography: What is the name of the website that archives waveform memory of Gameboy titles?
scythe: GB waveform archives. But I'm busy now and can't update the site.
Chiptography: Do people from around the world use your site?
Scythe: I don't know.
(scythe went into the data analytics for his website to view where users are located.)
Chiptography: (Reading from the analytics) Japan, US, France, Ecuador, South Korea, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Brazil! Beautiful!
Scythe: It was more than I thought.
Chiptography: What are the biggest life-changing elements you walk away with, having been involved in the scene and it's people.
scythe: It's difficult. In my case, I think it was a live performance's impact. I think it's more important to see with your eyes than with words, listen with sound, and feel with your body. Although I'm not good at speaking myself, I always want to be able to convey something with expressions that are not words. And all that is left is to make good friends.
Chiptography: I totally agree. For me, the live shows bring such an incredible amount of joy and I am often also left speechless. That is why I make photographs. I am moved by the live performances and I want to make images that capture my experience in a subjective way. I want to show the beauty and excitement that I see during those live performances. You are a very creative person who experiences the world deeply with all 5 senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. When you are performing or attending a live performance, all of these senses are stimulated. I think you and I are very similar in this regard.
scythe: That's right at all.
Chiptography: Have you traveled outside of Japan?
scythe: Not yet. I want to perform abroad someday and want to meet more chiptuners!
まだないですね。 いつか海外でライブをしたいし、もっとチップチューナーに会いたいです!
Chiptography: where would you go?
scythe: Square Sounds Melbourne. First I have to get my own passport… There are many festivals around the world.
Chiptography: There is a lot going on in Europe also! Get that passport and meet me there.
scythe: Nice. I want long vacation.. Going abroad takes many time.
Chiptography: I understand. My wish is to photograph you performing abroad one day.
scythe: Thank you! I wish it come true.
Listen to scythe’s music on Bandcamp and Soundcloud.
Follow scythe on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Photos by Chiptography © 2019.